Monday 12 June 2023

Days lately!!

 When it’s all too confusing and unmanageable sometimes with too many things to juggle and tackle around and then there are these late nights like these as sleeeepy as you are just that need and love for movies feels like one meditation even if it’s a marvel movie seen before…

Talk bout becoming someone you’ve truly loved for almost all your life now…The waaaay the pride swells to a zillion times fold everytime he posts something bout his work and that waiiiit to watch it cause it has his hands all over it!!!!!

Again one of those things that are beyond logics and reasons!!

Especially when it’s on a youday sundaay around the same time you’d woken up prolly cause u saw it much later through the day…

But it’s that waiiiiit charlie like to see something of him specially on Sunday’s be it his hands his feet a shadow something anything of him or even at hours like these just before falling asleep also specially when the manager spends the night home as it got that late at work today…his hands driving shadow of him walking a toe of his feet like slightest anything at all with that hint of him is this new strange weird yearning lately…blame it all on the visual from a movie or that dream you woke up with 2 nights back where all you could see was his hand holding onto yours feeling your fingers away…

And you wake up with THAT much missing to just see his hands for real…

How much missing is too much missing really!!!!!!

Moments of gravity like this one right now with words and more words…! Cause it’s all over the place literally in your case no matter where you are what you do where you be at!!!!!!

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