Tuesday 20 June 2023

Sound of music…!

 When a sound of music can also do this to your mind and how!!!!!!

Out for a longer route home plus drive post work today like you just wanted to live that feeeel which you are loving now under the sunroof which was something you always looooved!!!!

Now with this new addition the most loved feeling to feel the trees and sky away over your face has become the most loved part of your day…

It’s a feeling beyond magic and words charlie that oneness with the nature be it the tree or the night sky ayyyaaaaa that one feeeel!!!!!!!

Today in the jam this beautiful huge tree right above and you just be with this one track of kaya playing and that sudden realisation how you’ve been in this state of denial all these years…….

With no dreams almost a week now to realising him having moved on and this feel now happy for him and lost for yourself!!!!!!!

It’s like suddenly no clue that vibe of standing in the middle of nowhere not knowing where to head to kinda weird feel in the stomach today……

No dreams off late only made more sense now!!!!!!

It’s just feeling weirdly ajeeb in a way that you can’t define…

Strange nai are the ways of the heart it takes you a lifetime almost, to realise something that was always there…!

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