Thursday 15 June 2023

Mornings n Him!!!!!!

Last night stay up almost morning golden hour watching his series with an early morning shoot to attend to it was prolly 3 hours sleep and that moemnt of waking up with again one of those dreams n presence of his that you can’t write write out bout!!!!!!!

It was a good one the series with that logic of either you live a life with fear and settle down for comfort and convenience or live it with your heart without any regrets…

Something you always knew right from the very start of being on this journey of loving Him…

Be it that decision you took back then and chose him instead of settling down or again choosing him after evrythung instead of settling down…

It’s all bout who makes it worth choosing them over n over again…it’s like everything in you says scream out away knowing much before you yourself did it was it is Him had to be Him!!!!!

With him saying otherwise changing his belief over it, you somehow couldn’t not even for a second…

Sometimes you wonder why how or what, there’s no reason it’s beyond reasons charlie like evrythung knows and feels it’s Him!!!!!

Months back a client comes over to the studio and you discuss over your Verna standing out and she then mentions bout the dealership they run and stuff and you talk bout the waiting period deciding between the merc and this one that you had your heart on and been waiting for the waiting period for the car…

It was bout making those big work decisions and investments that you had to take a step back from merc and keep it for some other time and this one too a few days back call from her that it was now available in white and asks you to come down and see it to finalise……

2-3 days back with all this happening with driver and work commitments had to take the final decision and the second you are there you see this beauuuuuty on the other side and instead of seeing your one white one this beauuuutiful pull to this one instead cause it looked ditoooooo like his Škoda back then it’s this color watching him park late nights waving back flying chummis into the car to seeing him waiting for you to turn after dropping you home to just living that beauuuuuuty of him in this very color of his car and you ask her if you could get this instead…..

And she talks bout it was for another client and you literally request your best to finalise for this one instead and she talks bout extra charges and wait period again but your heart just couldn’t walk out without taking it or wait for another sometime to bring it home!!!!!

It was like zooooop bolke your heart just popped out of you and onto the car cause it was like him right there and you just couldn’t leave it there!!!!!!

Finally after a day after she confirm you could take it and it was today when the model mentions bout some family demise thing and it had to be canceled and you finally get the time to bring it home!!!!!!

It’s one of those things after Him that you can’t keep your eyes off!!!!!!

Even today when you had to sign the papers and ask the manager to get some pics done you just stop filing and instead just stay there living that beauuuty of him away!!!!!

It’s like now everytime you see all those flashes of him in his car rush through you something’s nai charlie stringgggggg your heart away and HOW!!!!!!!!

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