Thursday 15 June 2023

How do you!!!!!2

 There are things you know with time by now with his absence for the longest time and then there are things also that are still just beyond you!!!!!

How do you make sense wit it is just beyond you now!!!!!!

U keeping off him staying trying to get a hold on you and then there are these moments charlie everywhere no matter where you are the waaaaays they bring him along be it this song of lucky ali randomly playing somewhere and shazaaam it away and it was a previous song but to find it today this beauuutifully apt!!!!!!

Some choices you make in life and the reason they stay that way are beyond you, that’s not upto you anymore…

This one Him in you and your life stayed and that now is just beyond you!!!!!

Cause the waaaaays it makes you feel away in his absence too and in your waking moment like today signing papers watching the bumble blu there asking the staff to take off every sheet of plastic inside the car cause you didn’t like the jhig jhig sound it makes soon as you sit cause his vento being brand new had that back then and you knew it exactly how it felt and you even told him how weird it feels at the back with the plastic and ut was then he mentions bout you being the first girl girl after his sister who sat in his car then…

Today as they take the covers off and that smile on you couldn’t go off I say it was a beauuutiful mix of that many hims today charlie…

Be it that bittersweet feeling to say a bye to your 86 Verna with tears in your eyes is also when you realise that love for cars your own one like he had back then when some cycle dashed into it and his reaction over it today you could completely relate to it……

To finding Him in this one that has all your heart and eyes on it!!!!!!

Him that most beauuuuuuuuuuuuutiful aspect of your life that with time did become life in its own way somehow!!!!!!!

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