Monday 22 August 2022

Whiff of Him!!!!!

 Like from that moment of realising again it wasn't him to just that sound of the same track youd been tripping on missing him usual on a Sunday to it playing at that very moment where you were just bout to get hit by that huge disappointment again and the waaaaaay it just makes up for it somehow in some way!!!!!!

Cause in that moment if it wasn't for that similar face being him there wa sthat strong very clear most loved visual form that very moment that just played in you....

His face his eyes the way he would always pout away his lips whilst singing like that one face details of him ayyyyaaaaaaaaa this heart of mine i say!!!!!!!

Even writing these and reliving thus one smile it brings on you the waaay it just fills you up with something that beauuutiful just recalling reliving his lilst of details!!!!!

To this morning moennt he was smooooooth as the jazz beat i say!!!! Jay z him be the Jazzy C i say cause that just rhymed and how i say!!!!!!

U were at the studio in the lehenga room with the round table writing something and suddenly you see his arm glideeee over your whole arm and the way he leans and brings over his face over your work pad and just lays his face over it with the rest of him almost on your lap.......that one feeeeeeeeeeeeeeel charlie his face that THAT close to you the way he moves in that one moment smoothly glides over his arm and just lays his face that close to yours and before you make sense of that moemnt like the next clip being his face over the other pillow next to you even thus time his face over your palm and the way waaaaaaay he slows chummis your hand away and comes close touches your nose away asking kya ghurrii and stays thatvway looking in you with his nose still there and you ask him mein hilli thoo tum fir gayab ho jaate cause there was that almost emergency kinda urgency to chummi his face away being that closest to yours like you had to hold back yourself in the worst way possible cause you knew you move any sudden movement and he would that question the way he just smiles that one smile without word nothing and yet like it's talking the most to you knda smile of his and that slow nod and just says try it andbthat wait over his face you try not to move andbjust reach out with the lips stretching out as much as possible and that one chuckle as he comes closer and a MOMENT!!!!!!!!!!

the beauuuuuuuuuty of that moennt was he still was laughing at you whilst the moment was happening!!!!!!!

And don't know what some sound something and you just wakeup!!!!!!!

It was that mind puzzling kinda dream from the studio to almost in your sleep.....his same way of sliding his arm iver yours like he used to back then itvakways used to be when your hands were freshly waxed and he would just touch your arm with fingers and gently slide away his arm over yours and thenext thing being from there to landing on your lap and then feeling your arm again.....sepcially when he is a lil beauutifully high like he loved to just feeel the arm the skin on your arm away like he would look so engrossed in just feeeling it ki sometimes he would even change the track that fits the moment right and continue with his arm trip!!!!!

Howleeeeeeeeeeee you grigeousss lil big adoooooorablest thing how only you were missed abhiiii k abhiiii!!!!!!!

Jaazzzy C!!!!!!!

Ayyyaaaaaaaa meraaaaa pooora ka poora heart right on that face of his!!!!!!!

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