Wednesday 3 August 2022


 Exactly what makes you wanna come back and write him out everytime you decide you wint anymore!!!!!!

THIS him rushing through you like the second you write a moment put and relive it fraction by fraction as you write this sudden HIM that it fills you up with cause it's almost like you time traveled back to the exact same moment as you were writing and you are right there living that moemnt again living him his details his presence his closeness all over again like that line between the now and the then sort of that beauuutifully blurs away even if be it in your mind and for a moment bhi......

Him standing there before the hallway mirror of his lookijgnat your bangles you holding him from the back so your view that beauuuutifully clear in the reflection to that one look of his in the eye and just stays that way the way that one moment through the mirror always felt that magical every single fcking time that you lived with him in multiple mirrors and places...the waaay it always used to take you back to that first time you lived him through the mirror as he just holds you away just by his stare.....

Something that strong in you makes you just stay there held you not moving an inch away not wanting to move away for the first just be want to be stared at and to stare away.....the way him his that one stare held you away for life i say!!!!!!


Ahhhhhhhh HIM i swear!!!!!!!!!!

Said it before can never get tired of saying this a zillion times over nothing no one not even close to what and how Him feeeeels i say!!!!!!!

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