Tuesday, 9 August 2022

The heart!!!!!

 Right from that very moment of his text that day to come see him to on your way counting seconds waiting for the road to end at his place like how soon how can you in some way just forward the road a bit and just reach him that one rush all the way till you are finally there.....

The heart the you all of you like always not just post bup but pehle bhi that one something just shifts in you seconds away from seeing him the way the inside the outside of you just changes some shift in you like you can that strongly feeel it every single time.....even be it when it was seeing him every single day it always there...

Something's you write and thus dhadaaaam feeel it fills you away!!!!!

That day too as you walk and call him asking for the entrance and he mentions it being at the bum side of the apartment....and you ask him to come out as you notice the beach view right there....

The fence overlooking the versova beach stand there sound of the waves crashing by along with those waves rushing through you till that moennt when you hear his voice at the back whatsaaaappp sound of his voice like always that one smile you can sense in his voice as he comes and stands beside you....one look at him and ayyyyaaaaaaaa can never forget or get over that first visual or evry visual actually of him....that one adoooooorable puzzled face initially as he fataak se starts to trace Evey detail of your face...like he always used to do that see your eyes your cheeks your nose lips neck like evry corner possible just traces away your evry detail as you live him do so.....and after a few secs that slow Whatsup again wurt that slightest smile as he looks you in the eye.....and that rush wooooosh bolke one huge wave hits you away on the inside with just that one stare of his!!!!!

Look at the beach again and that one feeeel one calm of a finalllllllyyyyyyy him like that constant thought ringing through you he is here he is finalllyyyyyy here right beside you one wave outside a bigger one rushing on the inside.....and he just stands there not a word just living that moment with you as you talk bout how lucky he is to have the beach view right there to wake up to!!!!

He wa sjust there charlie like was doing thevsame thing that he did back then at the stadium just living away that feeeel of being with you without a word nothing.,...after a bit finally to his place!!!!!!

Evry single time youve written bout tus meet and every single time you just wait while wr8tng bout doing inside his house the way this very moment this visual of his entrance like it's right here.....and shut your eyes to relive it as you write and wooosh bolke goooswbumps cause he was standing right th3r3 holding the door waiting for you to come in...!

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