Tuesday 9 August 2022


 Why nothing can could make you feeeel all this like this the way anything to do Him does!!!¡!

Biggest heartful of love wala sigh!!!!!

He has always been that walking talking version of your heart and this you've felt evr since the first time you saw him walking throufh that gym door over the tiles with every step your heart right there...

Even that day as he rolls his beedi and you just live him to his music that feeeeel inside this one face how much you missed thatfeeeeel charlie when you just wanna go do everything away hold him away chummi him away lick him away like you know live him his details evry detail in every possible way possible....but there is also that initial way he used to behave like you know be a lil distant not be too close have that stil wall there where you just know by his behavior you still can't just go all out there and hold him away no matter how bad you want to!!!!!

Even as he makes you take that puff he was that close to your face and you just live him his facial details nose lips his eyes looking you throufb the smoke the first puff hits you but more than that it was just Him charlie it's always been just Him!!!!!!

He makes you feel like a woman makes realise you are one.....in the most beautiful way possible be it absence or presence uts always been just Him!!!!!

Like that need to hold him chummi him but the way he moved a lil back soon after that first hit and checks your face out and asks you to come close and take one more again.....do and still that wait is baar tho he will hold you close naah doesn't happen epic fail again....even worse goes back to his couch and changes the music again and checks something on his fone is when you ask him if he had enough time and he mentions bout having to leave for a meet at 4 even when you were just voutbto check the time like he that surely knew that bout you like evrything else chuckles away saying time hai apne paas....

See the time and it was 3 hours left and you say something like iteee door se sirf 3 hours time hai is when he starts to talk bout his work n stuff and all your mind was stuck at was to just hold him away charlie like just hide all of you away in him is when he fataak se gets off and just comes to your side of the couch and even before make sense of the moemnt he lays his head over your lap....

AyyaAaaaaaaaa agaaaaaain SOME MOEMNTS you write and relive !!!!!!!


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