Sunday 28 August 2022

Talking pages...

 Finally done with Paulo now can finally get on with Tim's and evry page almost the more you read and this zone of mind it lands you's the sound of Him talking!!!!!

It's very direct no sugar coated stuff it's like every page reading is you almost hearing him talk cause as and when he used to do THE talk it was pretty damn real like he would make so much sense literally making you see envision the other side of giving your mind lyerally another dimension altogethef with that spirit running high oh I can do this too kinda vibe!!!!

This thing lately when you have so much in your mind to write out but the way after the block it made you finally feel like he was now out.....with that one question lingering will you see him again ?! And even now as you write the way the mind suddenly stops at that very exclamation!!!!!!!

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