Tuesday 9 August 2022


 It’s beeen one of those days that you’d missed out on for longest of times!!!!!

This just thissss happpppppy highhhhh on him like you could add another zillion h’s to that cause that’s how it’s feeeelin like today mind is just this beauuuutifully high on everything him like from the subtlest of him to the passionatestestesf of him like the mind just wouldn’t stop I say!!!!!!!

Him just playing on loop pooora ka pooora din today singing out loud pretty much every singable song of his to your heart full cooking cleaning working no matter what just this one dance in your head out side like there’s no stopping I say!!!!!

Come too faaar to not feeeel away all this like just that realisation of it being over a decade since the meet and yet feeeels aaay like it was yesterday every bit of him this clear to this magic moment this morning it just can’t be cause of your head……

Ayyyaaaaaa this one khushiiii today miyaaaaa tummm ajjjj yeeeee yaaad aaayeeee aisaaa waisaaa kaisaaaaa kaaaiiisaaaaaa yaaad aye this mind this you today like you keep taking selfies to just check through the day if the feeelin the high still there and woaahhh was it there and HOW whoowwww I say!!!!!!

Saving awaaay this Khushi to another level!!!!!!

Times like these again when what your true priority is has always been!!!!!!

Cause all you need is love love looooveee I say!!!!!!!

That’s all there is truly to life, love and then adding away that love experienced to anything and what so ever you do and watch it transforms away cause the designs you worked on today with THIS him high mind heart body and soul today is completely different turned out to be nothing like you had on your mind pehle or expected…..

Him I tell you anything to do with him and the ripple effect it has on you like the slightest pebble over a still water…a touch of him in anyway and this YOU transforms away and how!!!!!

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