Thursday 11 August 2022

Lilst things!!!!!

 All you need is that whiff of love lilst things in love and the waaaaaay they can leave you transformed I say!!!!!!

Is beyond logics and words!!!!

This morning that one face it’s the waaaaaay he is that fulllluy wholeefullly there even be it in the dream charlie…..this one MASSIVE RUSH of misseeeing I say that one visual of Versova after years the fence the whole vibe of the story tjebfeeeel of it cause you were still half asleep mind just that bit foggy manager talking bout something akele in kitchen that need to see him and the second you do thaaaat one wooooooosh bolkeeeeeee feeeel it left you with ayyaaaaaaa!!!!!

To that misseeeing yesterday just recalling how long it’s been since you saw him for real touched him lived his presence for real along with the zillion other things like it’s veeen THAT long!!!!!!!!!

And the waaaaaaay he comes this morning holding you awaaay the closest literally closest to his chest kinda hug like he used to backbthen after a gap of being away at Bangalore or Bombay!!

That same feeeel of that much missing in his hug the waaay he just holds you away to the moments after!!!!!

Like he was there that whole fully allll of him making you feel his love away something’s you write and read now as you do dreams have got a way of their own completely……this highhh misseeeing high on him I say!!!!!his stare his eyes charlie looking into your soul kinda stare diving deep in you just by looking at you kinda one look from him!!!!!!

Miyaaaaaa tummm aisaaa waisaaa kaisaaa kaisaaaaaaa yaad aaare Jii!!!!!!!!!!

Workout done after a week long circumstantial skipping it…..mind just, happy!!!!!

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