Monday 1 August 2022

Dates have a vibe!!!!!

 Some dates on the calendar tend to have a vibe of their own!!!   

And this happens with almsot any date to do with him like on that specific date the waaaaay these feeeels sort of take over you and HOW!!!!!

31july one of those vibe wala date!!!!!

Not sure what to call it recent meet or something else but its like this every year since then that one feeeeeel charlie i swear lil LILTEST did you know that day THIS long youd go without seeing him!!!!!!!

Some feels just cant hide away from!!!!!! To that wait for a dream of his who bhi nai hua!!!!!!

To just the day today some moemnt this morning and that sudden missedeing its left you with!!!!!!!

Said it before can never stop saying it THAT one face in the workd for you!!!!!!

This misseeeing higg gloomy state of mind and after two days of rest days finally got the workout done and it sure felt goood!!!

Done for the day!!!!

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