Sunday 28 August 2022

The window...

 It's like closing doors of communication to that lilst window being shut too after all this while...

Something's nai hit you differently like adding away something else to it....this confused state of mind that you refrained from writing out all this while.....

Cause his dreams him in the dreams with his actions and talks is like literally being in a relationship literally with another person like it's that one series of dreams lately another step closer and another step and next one maybe much more closer than just a step kinda vibe to em!!

And in reality you are lvingn something else only!!!!¡

Since the last two weeks it's this statevif mind that you struggle to deal with and with work strategy and planning on a different level ever since your friend recently dropped over with some insight to the brand image.....

It's that work high that you experience when she calls your brand the studio layout that premium to what the recent designs were being done at and also literally forces you to go all out with the designs in a big way to get that attention your brand deserves.....

Since then there has been a lot more of the planning on designs shoots and the stylists to work with and the same suggestion comes one of the stylists that you had the longest chat with......she was the same one had a messed up project with no deliverables and this time she insists on getting em done as per ur requirement and you finally give it a go......and today with the turnout it's just abstart and a good one!!

With her walking into the studio with the celebrity for trials the initial reaction and the design requests to work on for a better Collab it's that feeeling charlie where in the moemnt it's that urgency that neeeeed to share it with him you know what just happened you know this that like that neeed to share with that one person that much ki even through the talks the love for the designs you strangeky weirdly look at your fone it was that bad!!!!!

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