Monday 22 August 2022

Whiff of Him!!!!

 Apart from the many other moments this one moment yesterday at a frjends engagement party and this one corner some guy same hairdo as his same bangle thing that he used to wear on the right hand at the table and you keep moving whilst talking to her just so you catch a glimpse what if it's him like you hide your face also cause if it's him he sees you he would prolly leave and you just wanted to live his presence that same feeeeeel charlie every single time all these years anybody with that slightest of feeels if it's him and that feeeeeeel it fills you up with finally now you can see him finally he is here kinda vibe!!

Last night too peeping bending as much as with your head over the couch just so you can see if it really was him where ar one point she asks you if you wanted to be introduced or something and you shh her away still waiting for that one turn and the same very second his Coldplay yellow track plays the guy turns around and it wasn't him....

Like there was that almost magic like ironic beauty of that moment where one sec like the moment itself already knew as weird crazy as this sounds it had to fill it up with something of his just so you don't feeeel that let down wali the moemnt was already made for you the second that track plays with his face right there in that moment as he looks at you and sings it away that slow almost whisper like tone of his you are all yellooww...

One of those first ever meet post bup and you were wearing something yellow n green and as the car turns the sunlight over your face and one look at him waiting knowing now he will make that nose twitch face and he doesn't cause he had that sunroof thing over his face and the waaaaay he just smiles away with that nod saying not strangely beauuuuuuuutifully strangeky like he still did remeber that you loooooved that face he used to make and then the way he wouldn't take his eyes off you like as much as he could whilst driving and that slow whupser of that track happens.......the way he that beauuutifully slow just says cause you are all yelloww!!!!!

Maybe it doesn't really hit you then that it's a song he just hummed for you it def was once you home and it hits you did he just sing away a song a line for you!!!!!

Some moments and evry single time you write and relive something like this!!!!!!!!!

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