Saturday 6 August 2022

Blueberry Pancakes!!

 Working on designs and research for next studying shoot concepts and stuff like off late doing more research on concept shoots and stuff and with designs to finalise on Monday few had to be sorted tonight....

Loving listening to emancipator whilst working like puts you in that zone and also there is that not sure why that beautiful sense of Him with emancipator tracks....or its just your mind eventually the way it lands Him up with evrything almost lately!!!

Cause that's that level of misseeing the mind has landed in!!

Soo yeah and this one track named blueberry pancakes wasn't that great though but the way that sound of word makes you feel him like there's def some track of his that you remember discussing with him bout how they could make a track by the name of pancake back then.....shut your eyes and that search through tracks and that one visual of him waiting with that look on him and you ask him the track name and he says it's blueberry pancakes.....with that visual that sound of his Fink and that one feeeeeeeep charlie!!!!!!

The way moments like these out of nowhere almost touch you and let you fly awaaaaay to the most loooooved time of your life...

To Him!!!!!!

Initial days of knowing his music his Fink and that Khushi of his as he watches you love his music with each track...

Where on some drive back home with mango he plays some techno sound that had that woman screaming sound to it and the way he immediately changes it and mango asks him to let the song play and the way he that addoooorably jokes away saying ineee ye sab suni tho dar jaati and fataak se mango mentions it but you did say that she loved your music right and that one look of his fataaak se at you puzzled shyytyy ayyyyyyeeeeeeee ayyaaaaaa the waaaaay he used to shyyy away charlie!!!!!!

Pindrop silence after and you just that lost in him like you clearly remeber till he dropped you back and with mango still going on n on and pretty much talkingnto himself you couldn't just couldn't take your eyes off him...

It was that first feeeeels first time knowing how much you loving his music meant to him that he was sharing the same with others.....

Even writing it now this feeeeeeel luckiest in the world ever !!!!!!!

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