Thursday 4 August 2022

Waking up…!

 There are mornings and then there is a morning like this one is when you re realise just how slightest of moments bhi can make sucha huge difference like matters that much!!!!!!

It was just his touch his whisper over your ear saying soemthing as you passed out writing writing for a bit that rush of goosebumps you wake up with cause you literally felt him that strongly for that moment!!!!!!

From that moemnt to this mornjngs dream again a continuation of everything that you felt away for him last night or all of yesterday the waaaaaaaay he comes charlie ayyyaaaaaaaaaa that one feeeeeel of being swooooosh bolkeeeee held away by him its like suddenly you are in the outer space mind body n soul that beauuuuutifully him high even as you live him in the dream……to moments like again that feeeeeel of him allowing you to feeeel away all that you missed bout him last night……

Like you wakeup this morning and head and feet in the clouds i aay cause the mind body and you this him high stilllll  this one feeeeeeeel rush pf him when it strikes you and like howwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!!

Him - poooooooora ka poooooooora heart n evrythung to do with it i saaaaay!!!!!!!

Workout done but all through it that beauuuutiful rush of him like wven with workout tracks playing mind just jn the cloud with glimpses of him his touch his whisper just that feeeeeeeel of him away and offffff you flyyyyy!!!!!   

Prolly the only reason you aren’t firing the manager with each passing day adding to a zilluon work messups her fone…..

Soon as she walks in just that need to see him where you know he is nt posting that often but whdn the mind feeeeeeeels him this waaay ayyaaaaaa just that something to fill up with!!!!!

Howleeeeeeeee zaraaaaaa sa bhi if you only knew, ruke na kadaam mere thooo hai beesabar!!!! jaaane kyaa hogaaaaa itttteeee saaaare pyaaar kaaaa!!!!!!!!

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