Saturday 13 August 2022


 Mom chatting bout something you literally gulped down your dinner and waiting for her to finish and the way beech beech mein she keeps commenting on your smile like witbhef talking something serious was making you smile was the comment....

But ayyaaaaaa charlie the waaaay it's always been like this since that first smile of his that you'd lived back then the waaaay him smiling watching him smile just like that puts on the biggest smile on your smile fataaak se that very instant.....

And this picture todaaaay ayyaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh the waaaay he looks that yummilllyyyy adoooooorablest i say whooo nai hote kabhi some kids that cuuuute you wanna eat em away in your life he has always beeeen that one right from the start!!!!!

Initially his smiles making you happy for no reason just cause he smiles and ting bolkee puts a smile on your face it was is a loooot more than making you smile it's that rushhhh to just eat him awaaay I saaay ayyaaaaaa utttaaaaaa cuteeee howwweeee!!!!!

Like you just can't wait for it to be just you just sooo you could write it all out!!!!!

Days like these!!!!!!!!!

The waAy he literally came running away when u missed him that very hour that very baaad!!!!!!!

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