Wednesday 10 August 2022

Morning Vibes...

 This feeeeeeeeeéel of him in the mornings when your mind all of you is still in that sleep haze eyes foggy mind foggy and slow and this rushhhh of him with a dream and him like this , just looooovee!!!!

This time of the day starting with this rush of him charlie just tooo toooo beauuutifullest i say!!!!!!!

It's this THIS much him it fills you overloads you away with even much before the start of the day.....

Love loooove this feeeeel of him in the mornings too!!!!!

No wonder this beyond reason looove for waking up to him...

Be it the other when almost soon as you wake up the first thing you see was his story like that obvsly after seeing the manager but practically you didn't much seee really sed the was still his story the first thing almost like you met him at versova itself at that very moment!!!!

Mind and heart i tell you, find its own ways to fill up the misseeeing away!!!!!

Howleeeeeeeeee tummmmm jaaaaaan meriii!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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