Saturday 13 August 2022


 Happy high eyes his that one smile and a zillion memories of seeing that very moment living that very smile of his from that close!!!!!!

It's that beauuutiful mix of a lot of passion and lot more adooorableness in that one teethy smile of his from back then cause itvakways used to after a bite moment so you don't really again know to adoree him away or eat him away instead !!!!!!

Today right through the meets and work being done with lil delays and lot more chaos ther3 was this calm rushing through you with his music literally placing the loudest volume possible at studio......with just that realisation of what who you've become just by growing in love with him...

Head to toe it's this beauuuuty of anything Him that you've become.......

Lot more than just love, that makes you respect yourself love yourself all the more....

It's different charlie like even trying to write the exact feeel is wordless even with all the guilt and sharam you had to go through with just that realisation it's not upto you anymore.....

That question same question he had asked in the recent chat don't you miss being loved cause I know how much you like it , again of all the people when he asks you that, it's not bout missing something some feel for the sake of feeling it....missing out on something and then for the sake of not missing out doing's bout who you wish to live it's bout who you want to be loved by with!!!!!!

It never was bout finding love again cause you still are very much in love with him, always have been, so it's always been bout missing his love for you inthe waking state...not bout missing any love!!!!!

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