Sunday 14 August 2022

THE push, again!

 Street fight kinda push the waking up today felt like.....

This one big question of your life what did you do so wrong!!!!!!

This one day of the week mostly when you check on the client replies delivery updates way of communication like just overall check as this day is also lavanyas off day so instead you check the work page and stats basically so can post accordingly.....

But the day mornings usually starts from loghin on the business page with sleep eyes looking for him just seeing the page and getting back to checking the stats later on...

Just days back when posting pictures and stuff you did check like the work page wasn't blocked until this morning the work page too blocked!

That first question thought lostness you were filled with never for once did you ever message him on Instagram for the first thing from either of the accounts never watched his story there like didn't disturb him any which way ever and yet!!!!!!

The way it just felt like from being held by him in the dream this morning to standing in the middle of nowhere and just being pushed back with both the hands that kinda hard push again which you least expected!!!!

This mind today ever since then this weird feeeling with that one constant question ringing through what did you do that bad to him like in which way did you ever cause any kinda harm that could've possibly triggered a hatred this level!!!!!!

Not wanting any sign of you till this level and for what???!!!

Exactly why you didn't wanna write out this mind the way it's feeling all the more worse now!!!!!

Over n out charlie back when the smile comes back n the mind feels better!

Writing still thinking recalling what did you do that wrong!!!!!

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