Saturday 20 August 2022


Right from that moment hisbface over your palm and that urgency to write him out that moment out the waaay he just knew you were living him away even in his sleep you just had to journal the moemnt out and the way it looked like you were pretty used to it by then.....and with one hand full of him you struggle to turn and look for a sheet of paper with the other hand right beside you see these sheets if paper by the look of it looked like his script out of which you obvsly cohkdnt chorify the paper so you look more and this one notepad and you can't reach it there was this beauuuuutiful dilemma of wanting to write him out just the waaaay he looked in that moment with that hint of smile on him and you just had to save it away and also wit him on your hand you couldn't move didn't want to move and that slow sound of his making that adooooorable sound cause you were moving and he slowly moved closer to you goes a lil low and now holds your tummy over and sleeps there.....

Now with both hands you could reach to the notepad and slowly place it beside all this while to just smell his presence feeeel away this closeness of his to just know and feeeeel he wanted you to be close to him wanted to feel your presence more most importantly he wanted you with him to just feeeeel that feeeeeel charlie BEYOND words ofthe world!!!!!!!

As you place the notepad beside just bout to turn and he screams that adorable scream of his calling you kareeely kya karri and you wake up!!!!!!

THAT ONE MOENNT that one waking up today hit you the beauuuutifullest hard possible I say!!!!!!!

It wasn't just a dream to you this morning...!

Much much more than just a dream...

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