Tuesday 9 August 2022

THIS you!!!!!

 Every single fcking damn time when you live this you THIS you that you are today is when you re realise how much of him you just are laced away with!!!!!!!

This you that you transform awaaay into!!!!!!

After years charlie i swear constant tingggg bolkeeee smile on your face.....like literally glued on!!!!!

Like he used to say he definitely has your remote with him!!!!!!

One button one something and the waaaay it fataaaak se transforms you away!!!!!!!

Last nite since the last two days actually that weird lost mind and you work till pretty late yesterday with his music playing just so your mind is occupied and don't feel that weird feel anymore....

Almost 5ish and you get off to the washroom on your way back the sky just looked that different that whole experience felt something different, it's not like you haven't seen the magic of the sky the way colors transforms with the transition fr the night to the day.....but there was that beauutiful calm pull towards the window to just go out there and live that moment...

There is this heavy lit construction happening in the opposite so you couldn't really take a picture of what the sky actually looked like like that one beautiful canvas of light soft strokes of a white to the darker tones at the end ofbthe sky touching the ground.....

Just stay there a few mins looking at the sky with bis music playing and come back to work nd pass out on the couch itself......

Wake up pretty late as it's an off day at work cause of the moharam festival today.....

Almost noon and the door bell rings it wasbthe manager dropping in over some fabric and lists and heads to the fridge as per usual......with the paper and bottle of water close to her fone and one look at paper another at her fone second look again and you couldn't stay away and check the most beloved circle rounding over him and the second you hit was your second of HAPPINESS a second of your transformation a second of pure madness level 0f misseeeeing i say!!!!!!!

Hear her coming safely place it back run to her and chummi her cheek away cause that's how happppppaaaaaaaay you were!!!!!!

It was a moment of happayyyyaaayyyiness beyond boundaries i say!!!!!!!!!

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