Sunday 28 August 2022


 This feeeeeeel of becoming one with the sound with just a sound.....

This one beauutiful track you stumble upon by this new chill artist and the waaaaay the sound brings allllllll of Him away and HOW!!!!!!!!

it's that feeeeeeel charlie lights out sound playing eyes shut and it's literally like the feeeeel of that moment him touching his forehead away against yours and just lvingn away that feel of your presence after a long gap of not seeing you....backnthen long gap as in a week or max two away!!!!!

The first initial thing mostly usedbto be connecting coming closer this way to feeel away your presence first and then lifting you off the floor and up away!!!!!!!

Some sounds out of all feeeels brings back this very one and how!!!!!!

This mind lately am telling you na on a different roll only!

This one big sigh your heart feels n lives with every beat of this track!!!!

How do you even make all this understand comes to terms with this foolish heart of yours i say!!!!!!

Slightest of him anyway and off it goes flight of its own heart and mind of its own...!

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