Saturday 13 August 2022


 Firstly back to few days in a flash....

Firstly when your mom comes back not a word of what happened there nothing at all and all she mentions is never to ask her to visit them again no matter what.....

Apart from that she was pretty normal but that bit stays in your head you try ways to make her say it out doesn't work....worst thing again apart from missing out on bhayyas day and birthday and this year rakhi too was something just slipped your mind...

Over breakfast on rakhi your mom asks you for if you did remeber what day it was and that itself sounded like bad news cause def mustve slipped on some imp date...

This you the way you are now what you've become wasn't something you'd planned this is how I wish to be years from now or this is what am aiming at ambition wise success wise status wise or even emotionally as a person it jst happened....

One of the most beauuuutiful magical things of your life just like that walked into your life in his own way and nothungs ever been the same evr since then...THIS wasn't something you'd planned on or this is how am going to be from here on it just happened along the way......

With every moennt of him presence and absence you just grew rising falling in love with him more and more with each passing day days and just happened!!!!

It's only when you live him in pictures or visually does it hit you with the sudden rush of a zillion emotions that that's how long it's been since you saw him for real.....otherwise it's like he never left, he has always been there!!!!!

As crazy as this sounds writing and reading it out that's exactly what it's felt like all these years!!!!!!

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