Friday 26 August 2022

Pushing forward!!!!!

 Mind tooootalllly has that effect on the workout like on days like these you need to push the whole of your body through a rep throug the complete workout!!!!!

Like body wise you are all there mind it is that’s missing somehow!!!!!

And all this while you thought it’s all bout the will and body it is also the mooood that can have that impact!!!!!!

Too many highs and lows on mind with again THAT much him!!!!!’

This morning too this talk of his it’s just feeling ajeeb lately cause the dreams him talking now and not just feeling your presence away it’s this confusion if the connection the feeeeeels is this strong why would he be the exact opposite in reality…or it still is just you and your mind!!

There were these moments in between with his charm and voice this morning those lil smiles in between the workout like your mind swooop bolke keeps taking those flights in between and you just wanna hold on and stay in that zone for a bit and then again the desperation of keeping you off from your business account as well hits you hard!!!!

Amidst all this confusion there is that lilst achievement when you fit back into Medium size finalllly from an xl maybe also why no matter what to get on with it!!!!

Again from just a workout journal where to where only it went I say…

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