Tuesday 9 August 2022


 That moment seeing him his face that realisation he was now closest to you and just bout to hold his face and he turns the side with that first word and beautiful sigh I missed this coudlnt feel this with anybody else.....

Mind a zillion questions anybody else matlab Aisa Tak bhi hua and all that stuff but that one look at him right there and evrything else then and there blurs away all that stayed was Him and that moment that realisation of him being right there laying over your lap.....the way he gently takes your hand and places it over his head one look at you and you just run your fingers througbthe hair his that one look again was like back then in those terrace meets when he would do the same take your hand and just place it over his head one look and you massage hus head away....

That day that very second was like your poooora world right there in that moment like all you need bas!!!!!!

His eyes shut with that smile on him is when you realise how much it meant to him things like these he used to do charlie without a word alwaaaays made you feel the most special in the world cause it made you realise relive how much that moment with you meant to him how happy itvwas making him to just be that way with you....

To that sudden towards you and pushes hisbface literally into your tummy and holds you away finally!!!!!

Moments like these would always land you up in the most beauuuuuuuutiful fix if to adore him as your kid cause he was being one and he will be always, or to just lather him awaaaay literally with all the love n rush rushing through you!!!!!!

The way he would hold you away against your tummy wa shim being your kid!!!!!

Before you even do something else gets off and heads back to the other couch again.....

This time you just couldn't hold back any longer not even a second more literally and you head over to his side of the couch close to his legs kneel n sit there and just live him form that close as he tries to do something on the laptop and come in the way and jst sit there and he moves a lil back hands folded saying acha aisaa andbyou start to play around with his hair few times over styling it up jhnny Bravo thing and finally that one moment when he just stops you holds your hand and just thatvone stare hands down and then spreads his arms wide open finally that one feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel charlie to just land in his arms finallllly that sense of being closest to him finally to touch him to hold him to smell him to live him away from that close to just that feeeeeeeeeel of a finalllllly him!!!!!!!

Something's !!!!!!!!!

Exaaaaactly why Versovaaaa the heart of you!!!!!!!!!

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