Tuesday 9 August 2022


 This sudden rush of rains now!!!!!

Some moments thus filmy this statevif mind mind this beauuuutifully high on him and this sudden stromg scent of the rains and the waaaay it always bring him along!!!!!!

Sooo yeahhh back to the idli done and you take the plates and stuff and he heads to the washroom saying the maid wil come tomo don't clean n stuff and you notice there were lot of vessels already there and ask him if she came that day and he says a no saying she will tomo and you anyway clean the stuff and still there ask him to change the thingnthat you clean the utensils with or something and him standing right behind you as you turn and he holds you away asking kya karii ye sab mere paas chal and literally holds you away off n back to the couch again.....he was being passionate and how but strangely more than that he just wanted to feel loved charlie like just your closeness was something he was craving more for.....the way he would stil beech beech mein go all but it was more bout just that need to hold you be held by you to just live your details smell you away also that wasbthe first time he was smelling you away usually it's you the dog that looooooved to sniff him away!!!!!! Like just LOVED!!!!!!

But that day it was him smelling you away!!!!!

No matter how many times recall relive and write out that day spent with him was like no other.....you avoiding calls fr home him finally asking you to take it and the second you tell him bout having to leave the waaaay his face changed that very second charlie......no matter what that one word from him that one expression from him that one anything from him and there is nothing inthus world I say that could stop you from being close to him.....

The waaaay charlie he just looks at you him on the couch you standing and taking the call andbthe way he just holds your hand and that one nod saying a no and pulls you back saying bas 5 min aur.....

From that to another half an hour or something he just holds you chumming you away in that new way and just stays that way.....just holding you and one more call and then moves a lil away saying go get ready....when he holds you back till that moennt of stepping out that one wait for him to just ask you to stay back only even when he says bas 5 mins that wait was there for him to just say it.... cause that day you just didn't wanna leave him not like other days you do but it was diff that day that one feeeeeeling of finally being that close to him.....to many more feeels i tell you!!!!!

That one wait till you found the auto also still looking at him with that inside talk rokleeeeee nai jati!!!!!!

One biggest sigh this very moment right now!!!!!!!!

It's always been like this strangeky always that close and........

Howleeeeeeeeee you are being missed in the most notorious of ways possible I saaay!!;!!!!!!!!!!

Iskoooo abhiiii ke abhiiiiii bas chummiiii thi bhi lagjaaana with that def realisation of this was me bolkeee most importantly!!!!!!

Abiii k abhiiiii someone up above show some magic i say tonight also!!!!!!!!!

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