Saturday 6 August 2022

The missing...

 Sometimes mostly actually but on days like these really really miss him!!!!!

Cause all this he wanted it for you and now that you do have the only person you wanna share talk it out share it out is with him to him.....

The shoot day when with conversation the topic diverges to how unique ur brand and designs were in comparison to the other ones in Hyderabad today....cause she models for most of the major brands and her sharing these details bout how your work designs and each one being unique and detailed needs more exposure and exhibitions and stuff and all through that conversation there was that Him running rushing through your mind cause him saying the same back then....i really want you to do something for yourself like i really want to see you be something and feel proud of you the way you do for me...but I am proud already of how you are and just the way you are he ftaaak se adds to it...

Like there is that beautiful lostness that your mind experiences through such conversation cause physically you still are there but your mind all of you on the inside is right there with him in that moennt in the balcony him standing and saying these things and y8u just that beauuuutifully lost in him......

Like all day evening playing this track cause it makes you feel away that much him...

And coming back home watching some series and you galti se sleep or something and wakeu9 talking to yourself in your sleep it was talking to him and you actually wake up saying something like bole tho sun nai reh tumm and almost hear him say back howlii hai that sound of him saying it back to you shakes you up and you realise you were talking it out loud sharing it away with him and actually hear him say it back to you!!!!!

Even writing it now the waaaay it's just making you feel cause you still donn9 what that moment was bout like you talkingnto yourself happens sometimes when you really wanna share something with him and somehow still that on your mind and you pass out and find yourself talking out loud wake up to your own sound...

But the wAay this time was that different cause you weren't drunk nothing at all and yet you definitely did hear him his voice say that to you!!!!!

Something's you relive stillll that beauuutiful but writing it out and now reading it out as you write ajeeb lagta kabhi but that's the level of misseeing when you want to share things with him!!!!!!

Ajeeb nai!!!!!!!

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