Wednesday 3 August 2022

Musically Him high!!!!!

 There’s something that THAT sexyyyyyy bout music i say!!!!!!!

Its the feeeeeeeeeeels charlie a sound can make you feeeeel awaaaaaaay out of nowhere!!!!

Like you are doing somethingn else and suddenly that one sound sort of literally holds your hand and off fly highhhhhh you gooo!!!!!

From work to landing jnto a world of all things Him, like physically dont move an inch in your mind you are tooootalllly out of that zone and in his zone compleeetely!!!!!

This immmense love and passion for music i say!!!!!

Cause the waaaaaaaays it makes you feeeel him is beyond words n logics of the word!!

First two random but smthhng moments from days!!

Firstly fitting back into the shirt you again had wanted to wear with him almost 2 years or so back cause it was powder blue and wasnt fitting anymofe cause of the weight gain recently fiiiiinaaalllly all that dcking hard work actually paid off n how!!!!

Just a reflection in your most fav corner of the studio secondly being obsessed with these his blue rimmed sandals yoive got recently and this lift moment akele realisation of adoring the sandals cause how youve turned into all him from color choices of being a pink red lover to all things blue in color to just standing his way a moment of him in the lift always…….

This mind todaaaaaaay daruuu after really long cause you are just thtaaaaaaaaaaaaaa high on him aaaaj thooo bantaa thaaa!!!!!!!

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