Sunday 12 June 2022


 This very similar dream again into the woods aimlessly wandering with that constant music playing of his in the Ears like even through the walk you could still hear his music and as you walk around with that constant search for him there are these flashes of his face that could see yaha waha for less than a second wnd it disappears in a flash like evry other content you see a flash of him wnd it disappears.....

Like the walk n dream goes on quite long like that search for that long with just thise foqsh3s of him yaha waha....

And this one corner you find to rest close to the lake or something it was again surround3d by wild flowers multiple colors like no other stem of flower looked all in one single color.....

As you just lay there that one hand ekdum se under your head and that slow whisper of his kidhar ghoom ke aari and before you even turn and make sense of the moment that rush in his breath in his movement as he ekdum se comes close and moment!!!!!

The way he holds you with one hand and the other still holding your head there was that wait that rush in the way he was moving holding you like all that while that you were looking for him searching for him in those xobrers all that white he was right there waiting for you to come.....

Like as long as the walk was mirebrhan that the after moments were like you felt him lived him from that close ki there was no space or time to live him visually all youbcoule see feeel were his eyes that smileeeeeeeeeee that daaaaaaaadi your heart on his face like there was that beauuuuutiful rush charlie much much more than what and how you feeel for him just the waaaaay he moved held you the feeeel of the moments!!!!

It was almost noon that you wakeup and that very same feeeeeel again as you turn and even before opening yourbeyes your hands trying to find him next to you...

And when you don't that urgency to upennand see where he was and that's when you realise anitherbyouday dream it was......

Some moemnts that real like youbsee him live him all of that that real like even asbyou write now it's sooooooio hard to take it all just as a dream!!!!!

He wssvthat real and that closeeee!!!!!!

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