Wednesday 1 June 2022

World of Him!!!!

 The mind prolly the most beautiful and mysterious organ of all I say!!!!

To the world outside its one thing but to you alone it's just you that knows what's goin on in the inside this one world of Him inside you!!!!

Not just this situation but the mornings the moments you live him in through the day through your best days to the worst ones it's this one him constantly there.....

To that moment the other day that sudden shift and that feeeeel that followed with it come too far all of this his dreams moments like these can't be for no's that sudden faith hope belief that has found its way back after years in you... For the first time in the longest of times!!!!

With that much him and the planning running your head passed out watching stranger things....this season the longest you took cause it's the scariest tik date and yet that khujli i tell you to finish it also!!!!!

To this day today with too many things to plan out with mangaer looking for places and then to the bank to get some changes in current account thing it's this feeeeeeel charlie that comes even much before his actual moment strikes like in the movies they create this vibe this atmosphere before hero ki entry exaaactky ditto this thing bout his moments the music u suddenly switch to the weather the people walking around suddenly visually it all gets slowmo and then there is that moemnt of his entry his something and that feeeeeeeel it fills you up with!!!!!

Specially when the day starts of wit some specific dream of his you just know there's more tobthe day for sure!!

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