Monday 27 June 2022

The today...

 Slept early hours of the day today...

And walking to somehwnr4 and there are these doors through the pathway you open one after the other like there are these doors after ever few steps like not in series placed but in random corners and you try to make your way through like trying to reach somewher and this side of the space you see a door and there he was standing like you enter the space and see the other side and he is just standing there hands in the pocket his usual way of standing head tilted a lil and just looks at you and smiles his that signature first smile of his as he looks at you and that one nod that follows right after as he slowly raises his arms up asking you to hold him away just by standing there at a distance and you runnnnnn to him like soon as you see him raising his arms up even as he does runnnn away to him and the sec he holds you in his arms like the s3cond you feeeel his arms around you with that touch over his chest lay your head his arms around and you wake up......

There was that huge sigh of relief for the first time prolly soon as you were up like it felt like you reached him just wtt that feeeeeel of being held by him like evrything inside just felt better.....

Donno what it was or why it felt the way it did ....but it just felt that strongly!!!!!!

Even reliving it now as you write just this feeeeeeeel rushing through that feeeeeel of being held by him - your world I say!!!!!!!

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