Wednesday 29 June 2022

Series of coincidences...

 The famous quote by the most adorable face on the planet i say, life is nothing but a series of coincidences...!

Ayyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaa mornings like theseeeeeee with such such gorgeous coincidences i saaaay!!!!!!!!!

Razaaaaakkkkk miyaaaaaaaaa in town and HOW!!!!!!!!

Tummmm kiiitttttaaaaaaaaaa zoooor zoooooooooor se yaaadvaaareeeeee miyaaaaaaa if only you knew!!!!!!!

Mornings like theseeeee days like theseeeee momentsss like theseeee life nothing but such lil lil khush khush filled moemnts i say......

Lilst of things bout him and the waaaaays they just fataaak se make you just ....... Happppy!!!!!

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