Monday 27 June 2022


 To just live those different versions of him to the fullest almost fullest if you think of it now was something else.....

Again cause that was the first time you got to live him that way live that kinda time with him......and prolly the only time for the longest and the first time where he just didntvwant to one time initially he mentions bout having head out in an hour or so and when you ask him around that time if he had to leave thatvone nod andbjust stays.......

To live that love of his to live him that closest for the longest of time it filled you up with how much you were and are in love with his existence charlie......

Like not just love something bout him or when with him but even in his absence just the thought feel realisation of him his presence , in love and awe of his whole existence....

All that he is and everything that he is, just LOVE!!!!!!!

today seeing that one word versova literally opened away all the windows inside of you and not just that single window backnthen at his place.....

Through the day just that thought and feeeeeeeeel of his closeness that not just your mind and body missed but that feeeeeling on the tips of your fingers that strong rush of touch and feel him away like all those hours to just feel him away as much as you can......

Like itjust felt strangely beautiful today even the fingers tips reliving that feeeeeel of his skin his hand the hair over his hands his hair his nose his skin Evey lil detail bout him rushing through you.....

Get some work done but the mind i swear today!!!!!!

Head out for some fabric work and like there was a lineup all cars with MH number plate like almost evry other car with an MH plate like suddenly felt like you were in Bombay and not Hyderabad.....

To this other moment of magic when almost all the cars lined up right infront of his spot qmart too had mh plates.....

Donno what it was but that one state of mind today charlie the waaaaaaaays you can miss someone......

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