Wednesday 1 June 2022


 Its in situations like these prolly you realise the strength of yourself and the people you are surrounded with!!!!

The staff that you have now venkatesh pretty small to look at the rest too but thatvone thing bout being there for you yesterday meant a lot.....

The way they are that they consider Indishree as their family and woukd be there also when venkatesh tells you only yesterday that he did name his daughter too as yesterday there were too many realisation with that final step to make the change....

Always wanted to have a commerical onebchalrie but to start with the search is one complicated step with the lil time thatbyiu have on hand.....

When you come back home and tell your mom bout this the first thing she asks you is what made you smile cause the maggam staff told her the same and she was stuck with why didn't you call her right away and why were you smiling in that situation like it cohjdve intimated her made the situation even worse and you just didn't have a word for that!!!!!

Like even as she was asking you boutbthe same the smile comes back again cause one ear was still connected to his music!!!!!

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