Sunday 5 June 2022

Conversations 2!!

 That very day some Collab thing and you meet this stylist random conversations to the way she mentions how she has always been a fan of your brand and always wanted to meet you in person and the blogger finally gave her out the contact info and stuff.....

From conversation bout outfits celebrity tantrums to psychology and she has a sister who is studyung the same and you ask her away more doubts bout it being all the more curious to which she jokes saying how you weren't least bit of what she had on her mind the designer would be like......that's when you somehow realise how much of a different image people can have to what you really are at'll always be writer at heart that longs to have these self conversation these mind writeouts to get a clear view of life in general....just like his perception bout long clear roads and drives that helps him think better and to you it's always been writing's these moments of people watching that your mind still loves again something that he taught you the art and fun how muc fun it truly is to just let your mind wander when in crowd to see study read people around...

From there to some friend and the singers driver comes over to pick stuff and you had to head out for some work and you get down and the friends car black vento of his.....

Every black vento in hyd brings him along and HOW!!!!!!

be it in traffic car parks on road off road anywhere any visual of a black vento and that's him right there it's that sudden rush that sudden something that starts to flow throug you with that one when she mentions bout styling vijay in Bombay for karans show and how you just have more exposure of the brand in Bombay multidesogn er stores too it's like two places two strongest of moments in that beautiful sync hitting you away and how at once!!!!!

Like you just smile away wit your head down and the way she adds she knows that 3xptession well cause her sister does the same when she has to hide away what's actually running on her mind with some mention like she knew your mind was some place else in that moment.....

Bombay = versova 

Black vento = Him!!!!!!!

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