Friday 10 June 2022

Memories n moemnts!!

 There is this beauty of reliivng a memory visually!!!!!

That day that moment in the jam did it for you!!!!!!

To relive that similar scene similar feeel after years left THAT much him away and how!!!!!!

Mind on loop with visuals of those on drive moments kept rushing through you...

This strange feel last few days see when you don't feel him that much through your after that moment relive ijnthe car you take a day or two off from work and just be home in your room practically living him away to just be with your mind n his music.....

It was a different kinda rush n feeel charlie...

Cause you literally relived that feel that very moment after years like ekdum seee aankh ke saamne aa gaya like that close even whilst watching that moment in the car beside you were reliving yours in your mind......

Like you could seee him that clear from that very moment!!!!!

It happens often when some memory of his has this kinda strong impact on your mind that need to just be away from it all for a bit.....just that need to be on your own to feel it away live it away in your mind without having to think bout anything else without having to be any place else it's just you that rush of him and his music.....

Like after that back to work and you realise you weren't feeeling him away that much through the day like it just felt that strange....cause lately it was more like you could literally sense him missing you as weird crazy as it sounds you could just sense that through the day and lately didn't feel it last 3-4 days just felt weird!!

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