Thursday 30 June 2022


 This mind today just not feeeling straight ayyAaaaaaa that was one lil video of his on loop like you just didn't wanna let go of managers fone Aaj tho!!!!!

Like you could just go on replaying it over n over again with your heart screaming out if joy every single time on the inside you lucky pussy!!!!!

There was that beaaaaauty that same beaaaauty of his way of love charlie in that!!!!!

Where first attempt he plays with that whiff whiff adooooooorable sound of his voice just playing as he nudges over the nose of the kitten second time does it again but the third time the way the kitten brings forward the forehead with affection instead of playing this time the waaaaaay his hand movement changes just caresses the forehead this time with that much love.......

A yyyaaaaaaaa charlie that lilst moment between the two and that sudden load of feeeeeels it loaded you with was beyooooond words andnlogics of the world I say!!!!!!

That moemnt made you miss his love the MOST!!!!!!!!!

back to time travel asbyou live that moemnt of pure love, those head bangs with him where first time galti se and that one smileeeeee on him knowing you'll come closer this time to do it again and he lets you do and third time again bangs it and this time when you come closer the waaaay he used to hold your head away literally with his forehead and then stay that way looking you in the eye...

It was that random thaaaaaaaat beautiful that made you reminisce your own similar moment with him...

It's just the waaaàaay he is charlie ayyyyaaaaaa even as you write now and recall that moemnt of those 3 attempts ofbhis ayyaaaaaaaaaaaaaa that one fellow meraaaaaaaa pooooooora heart right there!!!!!!

Miyaaaaaa tummm aaaaaaaj itttaaaaaaa zooor shoooooor seee yaaaaad areeeee if you only knew how baaaaad you are being missed i say!!!!!!

Geeeeeliest chumiiiii lag jaaaaana uskuuuu abi k abiiiiiiii!!!!!!!!!

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