Monday 27 June 2022


 As he turns and you lower a lil just to see him clearly the waaaaay he just looked that happy charlie just that smileee where again like back then there was you wantung to chummi him away badly and there was also the you knowing him wanting to live that feeel for longer let him do so......just like he did back then on those sudden terrace meets where he just wanted to be close to you feel your presence with him......

That day too in that moment the way he looked like he did miss that feeeling and justbwanted to live that feeel for the moemnt......

What followed after were moments of love passion and madness finding versions of him to live and HOW mad friend in one wanting to same wrestle away with youbhis usual most loved thing to living another set of firsts.....

Just him charlie all of him to and wuttvthe sound of his music......his smell his touch every lil detail of his his versions of smile to this one time when you try to get off to the washroom the way he just holds your hand and that one stare and just tells you jaldi ana and that was the quickest you've come out just that one stare like all he wanted was you to be closest to him like even when you wanted to get up and get some water and he actually shows you how you could sip away the water even over his shoulder like he just didn't let you move an inch away from him......

Every second the waaaaaay he just made you feeeel n realise how much he'd missed you!!!!!!!

The way he would pull your face closest to him and then just be living your details away and then the moments......and thus one time his hand over your stomach all while through some track with the other makignthose sound waves and right in between he stops and chuckled that adooooooorably saying kuch khayi nai kya? Bhook lagi bolna nai hota tumku!

Even wrijtn it now how bad you miss him getting mad at you that one adoooooooorable tone of his voice Evey single time he had to scream at you for some reason ayyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaa that one fellow your pooooora ka poioooooora heart i say!!;!!!!!!!

Exactly how writing makes it all this beautifullllkkky worse!!!!!!!!

This flow of writing him and the waaaaaay all his lilst of details come out with the flow...!

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