Wednesday 15 June 2022

Sound of magic...

 This one witty lawyer series that you recently started to watch some amazing courtroom wit stuff with calculations and all......but this one scene today that talks bout the magical sound of the safe locks clicking together just before the safe opens up....

Like the main lead talks bout this one person behind the robbery and they did for the almost magic like sound that the safe locks make just before they open up like they are all connecting clicking together like the thrill was in the sound and not so much for what's inside the's that feeling to discover to know that it's clicking connecting the dots coming together kinda stuff...

Which you did love from some other movie that you did watch again bout a bunch of thugs planning to break open a safe but one of them just loved the sound the safe makes just before opening up and he could sense that just by feeling it as he enters the code one after the other...

This thing bout feeling away these moments and how fucking happy they make you in that very moment where it literalky makes you ignore the fact that it was just a random moemnt random sign random person walking past by random song playing out of after the other too many random things clubbed together connected together come together to bring that one him along and how.....

The reality the fact is the opening up of the safe here and the sound of locks clicking together working it's magic as they come together are these moments through the day lilst of ones where the reality doesn't really matter in that moemnt caus3 you are that lost at just listening to these locks come together feeeeling living away the moments just as they make you feel to the fullest...!

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