Wednesday 1 June 2022

The today!!!!

 The bank the manager getting the paperwork work you had to sign a few docs and then wait for the processing as she was out for lunch much late than the usual lunch time....waiting for her discussing bout the work and places youd seen with the manager and suddenly this one boy walkins with his sister in hand and mom beside walking towards the counter the boy stops at one of those white circles that very second just that sudden viiiibe of him one plug in the air play his music and that very second the boy starts to walk over these white circles like step on each one just like Him, just like his tile walk back then....

Mom still calling him with his sister at the counter the boy was walking His walk over these white circles with spaces in between....

These were those circles done proly COVID times for the distance between people painted white between each tile....

And this boy there he was bringing back the Him from then...

Can never get over that moment that first time you see him that first time you felt that strongly for him even without seeing his face.....

Just that feeeeeel of him with every step closer to evry tile he walks with that space in between looked like leaping forward closer to you as he took those steps...

And the waaaaaay that beauty of his presence held you, not move a bit not blink a bit just that one beauty of living him only when that closest to you looks up and looks down again at the tile you wer4 standing on and tries to move the side and instead you move and let him finish his walk and that stare still walks tobthe restroom and turns around to still find you lost in living his presence.....

Some moments this feeeeeeel today to watch thay boy walk His walk......

And the manager shakes you up saying how lost can you get even amidst serious work like this and your smile lately what's happening....

Lo ok away and back at the boy as he finishes the walk and reaches his mom and your mind reaches Him.....

Like by that moemnt you already were that lost in all things Him right from the very start.....

And she starts to discuss bout something again the lady comes over with the paper saying signatures were pending finishing that you and this one conversation right behind some uncle saying haa 2009 October mein retirement liya and goes on talking bout bout the documentation and stuff it's that one big smileeeeee that your face gets slammed with charlie i swear!!!!!

And the sign goes off cause you just were suddenly that happy in that moment cause it was waay many coincidences fir one situation and you just couldn't take the work seriously!!!!

Happily smiling away with that rush of him with every sign.....and once done you just decide to get away for a bit asking the manager to check on it and as you'll get back in sometime...

Head back to the car and with just you in the car live him to the fullest in your head with his music.....

There is that rush in moments like these charlie like you want to smileeee away Dil kholkeee live away that sudden rush of him and to just go with that vibe with that rush rushing through you!!!!

Can't force your head to focus on something else especially in moemnts like these, merse nai hotaa charlie somehow just that neeed to be away from it all and closest to feeeeling him as you let that rush through you!!!!

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