Saturday 11 June 2022


 Every single time you feeeeel him away like this in your sleep that sound of his voice the waaaaaay he calls you out the feeeeeeeeeeeeel his voice fills you up with when you galti se fall asleep on the couch its2lf....

This is not the first time that yovve felt him this way it's this beauuuuutiful thing to realise this mostly happens when you had to write out a moemnt or something from the day and just cause of the overworked head and the gin with his music makesbyou fall asleep...

His music your perfect lullaby!!!!!

Howleeeeeeeee you gorgeous lil big adoooooorablesy thing how only you were miss2d abhiiii k abhiiiii!!!!!

Geeeeeliest chummmmii lag jaaaana tumkuuu abiii k abiiiii!!!;;!

Some wishes a sleepy head can wish away all of this to just that wshiper and sound of his voice that close to you......

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