Friday 10 June 2022

The today!!

 Back at work mind still that lost like there is this beautiful stillness that's there like aimelessly walk around where you cant really hear the people talk around can't really see visibly clear with work or people around.....get the pictures done somehow with tracks listed specifically for the outfit like you set it as per the mood of him for the day it's that feeeel of part of him part of what you are feeeling that day in music with the outfits...

Like avoid adding "the" tracks of his cause that's yours alone that special and securely locked up away in your head and here on playlists!!

It's just the waaaàaay these visuals of him had this something shifted in you moved you away with no dream lately just day before prolly it's this feeeeling of lostness clouds today the Beret sky today to that random smiley before the clove dental ka board also brings him along is when you knowwwwwwww how much you are missing him away!!!!!

His habit backnthen to have a smiley before his fav contacts being yours and his sisters number with a smiley and the dental board too made you smile cause it did bring him along.....

To this one beautiful moemnt today with this one track playing on loop the waaaay his star birds across the guy flying in this motion as you take a u turn the way they are there on the other side of the fly over too.....writing it now feels that average of a moemnt but trust me charlie when the mind is this high n lost in him that beauuuuuuty of his music and a moment like that can do to your mind is just beyond you...

The beauty and power of a visual and what it can do to your mind in that zone is just beyooooond!!!!!!!

Like this feeeeeel now as you write him and recall that one face!!!;!!!!!!!!!!

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