Sunday 5 June 2022

Visual magic over mind!!

 Always knew living him living that one face and the kinda impact it always had on you to visually live this feeeling after years now even be it with his pictures it just feeels like it's all coming back to you cause firstly it has been that long since lived him for real to see his details to watch him move walk sway smile anything at all to touch him feel his presence love his presence anything again that long....

With his dreams off late to moments like these to another picture of him with his friend and a dog over his lap that one caption story of your life pretty much somehwre between dreams and reality...the waaaaaay he just looks at the pup again bringing back those memories of lving him with lucky around or for that matter any dog around anywhere at like initially he would pet for a sec and that sudden adoooooorable switch nai can't betray lucky.....

It's these visuals charlie with his dreams in sync and the waaaays it's making you miss him suddenly like your mind on that constant wild wander lietrallu the imagination the mind the visuals the versions of loving him switching in between from adooooooring him away to that rush of him lately...

It was mostly occasional with some dream or sudden track but off late it's different it's that constant swing between the two extreme emotions feeeeels i say!!!!!

Like there's nothing in betweeb or just that regular missing lately!!!!!

See a few more and that sound of the bathroom door and rush back to put back the fone.....

The mind was all the more lost by then!!!!!

It's in these moments like you have thus lil conversation inside your head when the missing hits you like this how nai how much can just that one face like no other have this kinda impact on all of it's that beauuutifully lost on all tgings him every lil moemnt from the initial first ones to the meet to the first other things like it's all playing on loop whoo bhi on a zoomed up version of him.....

Like just seeing the image of his hair made your mind wander over the smell of his hair from back then which you loved he knew bout your habit your love for sniffing him away everytime he would wash his hair like that specific day first thing first before the first chummi bring his head close to your face you do your sniff and that one smileeee on him cause I swear that same Tung was for your hair too lile he hated the smell of baasi hair like it always had to smell fresh he was a lil particular bout certain things too.....

It's this beauty of visuals charlie like you see something you live a moemnt and the way it brings back the lilst of thing lilst of details associated with that specific visual....

Him his boomerang smile his side pro visual of his hair of his chuckle the waaaaaaays it's made you miss him it's sudden rush of high low missing him....

High cause it's Him afterall, low when you miss living feeling him for real....

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