Monday 27 June 2022


Seasons sounds like living someone with something that closely connects to them is prolly the most beautifully ironic way of missing evry single time you feel it away it brings along the missing and how!!!!

Like there have been nites with his music that you wish in that very moment he comes on his YouTube and just adds some video away cause you can't see the likes no more cause of the updated privacy settings....just to feel live his presence some way like to just find him in that very moment of misseeeing at that hour to just live that feeel of it!!

As random as it sounds again the waaays a misseeing can make you feel and find that peace even momentary peace is beyond logics...

Also why you sometimes wonder what if youd told him you have moved on maybe then he woukdnt have blocked you back.....specially when you wait for that time to steal away a moemnt off your managers fone to just live him hoping with that red round circle beloved moment!!

What if you'd told him you've moved on maybe then the block wouldn't be there nai......maybe atleast that way you would still have him on the fone to live his orsence with!!

This mind lately circling around the possibilities of could've been if you did something else other way.....what if he gave you another chance it's this misseeeing lately charlie cause now the dreams you see him is that clear like the one from this morning too.....and the more you live him that way this one big deeeeepnmisseeeing it leaves you with......that constant search for a moment search for that one face in the crowd to see him somewhere kahi bhi to just live that presence of his......and anything that seems familiar even a chaddi person walking by similar to his that one lil moment of Khushi that rushes through you is something else ....

Again when you tried your best to not write this misseeeing out but today you just had to...

Cause as normal and random thebmoments were in your head in that moemnt it was your lil moment or moments rather of magic, the Him magic...

Chippy the Magicman...!

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