Wednesday 1 June 2022

Sand n sound...

 Baaack to the Himness of the moemnt!!!!

Just living that visual with the sound of his music one ear plugg3d in and this one car slows down and stops right infront and the song playing loudest possible vol was boodon ke moti!!!!!!

If this is not magic if this is not real i actual mein donno what else can be!!!!!

Mind was in that fulllllon rush mode of his already like you trip over the visual if the sand as the him from versova in on a playmode in your head on days when you miss him the most and on walks....

The song the car still there as somebody honks again waiting for someone but the song charlie still playing and that strong rush of the wind along suddenly like it was that beauuuuuutifully in sync once done plays it again and by then mind all the more deep dived away in all him and how!!!!!

Moments like these charlie beyond you beyond logics or anything that could possibly name it define it explain it it's jus beyond you too...

Waqt se nikalke howlaaaaa Dil ke paaas dilki baat hawaa ke zariye batau reeeee yaaaa khud hawaaa pe chalkeeee ayaaaaa reeeee!!!!

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