Monday 27 June 2022

The misseeing...

 Missing a face missing a feeling so much that it makes you pause away evrything else just so you could soak away a lil longer without having to care bout anything else but just that just attend to that feeeel that neeed of your mind body and give it all you got and feeeel it away to the fullest possible way!!

To just be away from everything else and just be one with that feeeel with that misseeeing rushing through you!!!!!

Ever since the onset of the monsoon the visual sound and sense of the rains brings him along and how!

Like it's not just him but everything to do and be with him the zillion wishes that your heart ever wished to live with him to the sound touch and sense of the all that comes alive evry single time of this year...

Take a few days off work and just be home and around like some noon at concu just people watching finding evry chance of visual and sound to live him with...

It just is feeeling very different this rush and brush of misseeeing him misseeeing his face hands eyes that stare his nod his smile or just him standing and breathing away the same air as you.....

Ever missed something someone that bad that you go places trying to find something anything that makes you feelll away anything closer to what and how they made you feel like......

Last few days have been pretty much been the same if not less!!!!!!

This rush of misseeeing thatvone face in the world for you...!

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