Thursday 2 June 2022


 Apart from the feeels to relive something's even be it in the dream, it's his closeness charlie that feeel of his daaadi over your face nose to living the beauuutiful details of his face with your hand like just touching feeeeling away cause you remember your eyes were still shut cause when he smileees that smile of his same as the boomerang one you could feeeel it on the tips of your fingers...

The way he was like always letting you live his details as he smileees away and then suddenly when he feels it was done holds away your hand and!!!!!!

That rush of him that you could feeel away in his grip the way he holds your hand!!!!!!

Some moments even writing it out now this sudden rush of goosebumps all over!!!!!!

From that waking up to the waaay you just had to have a straight face on cause when you feeel him live him that way and the after of it is something you got no control over!!!!!

That sudden missing of evrything him!!!!!

Sometime later manager comes over like in days like these you wait for her to rush to the washroom like your eyes follow her with that wait ab rakhti fone karke and the second she does that one runnnn literally!!!!!

There it was the beloved circle circling around and it was for kk the post......

The song that beauuuutifully in sync though with the one you were already trippin on its from wake up sid...

Cause that's exactly how the morning felt like from missing out on living him in and with a moment to him actually coming in that very moment like he was there for you as mad as it sounds it just felt like it...

Something's you write and this sudden feel of the state of your mind sometimes...

The things truly living loving someone can make you feel!!

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