Monday 27 June 2022


 That day that meet was something else.....

Cause it made you live him carefree!!!!!!

Like not caring bout anything else anybody not the time nothing else.....

Initially soon as you feel that high after sometime the waaay he just comes close and lays over your lap and thatvone loud sound of his sigh and that sigh that wasntbjust the sound of it but something you could see it on his face too and you run your fingers through his hair and turns sideways and gets evenmmore comfy with his same usual way of finding that comfy spot over your lap with his head moving tryingbto settle in and then getting even comfier with that one smile and even with eyes shut tells you I couldn't do this with anybody else I missed this.....

To just live him that way charlie like there's rhatvfeeeeeelint when you've missed him that much evru sec to just see him touch him smell him live him feel him and then suddenly there Wass all him right there over your lap and you suddenly what to do how to be like if it's ok to just hold all of him away or is to too soon to chummi him away like there's that rush of tooo many waaaaaaay too many feels all at once cause from missing him that much to ther3 was all him right there over your lap who bhi......

SOMETHUNGS you relive and write and thus sudden feeeeeeeeeeeel of realisation of him being that close to you!!!!!!!

Howleeeeeeeeeee you gorgeous lil big adooooioiiiirabke thing how only you were missed abhiiii k abhiiii in this very moment het3!!!!!!!

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