Saturday 18 June 2022

golden hour...!

As the curtain moves slow and realise it's the golden hour of the night almost day......


Nights like those and a him like that one.....

Same hour almost ayyyaaaaaa to live that beauuuuuuuuuty of the adooooorable sleepy him looking his beautiful best with messy hair shortest chadddi possible and his eyes more than half asleep and yet that need to just see you comes all the way!!!!!!!

Happiest you'd ever been!!!!!!!!!

To think of it now almost the same hour to still live him his voice bhi around same time even be it in sleep almost magic...

This love to live Him...

Also why you were that close to firing the manager after discovering bout the few recent transactions and couldn't!!!!!

The only way you get to live him for real and not just dreams...

Like even if that goes cause of the block you won't be able to see at all!!!!

This state of mind soon as you realise and recall that beauty of this time of the hour from back then......

Howleeeeee you were missed and if you only knew how much in this very moment here!!!!!!!!!

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